November 26, 2009


Today I am thankful for SO many things. Currently that my mom has a stocked spice cupboard! Thanks Mom! Also though for my amazing family and my beautiful children. I am thankful for the country I live in and the men and women that fight everyday to keep my family and me safe and free. I am thankful for a roof over my head and food on the table. I am especially thankful that I have the husband I do and for Myles and how smart he is and all he's learning. For my friends that stand by me and give me someone to stand by. My world would be much less meaningful without you around. I am thankful for being on the earth here and now and for knowing why I'm here and who I am.

I AM a joyous, honest, compassionate, nurturing women of light!

This might be my greatest blessing of all. Because knowing who I am and why I'm here makes life so much more beautiful and perfect.

November 16, 2009


I didn't get as many pictures as I thought this Halloween. But I'll post what I have. We had such a great time. Myles refused to wear any of the costumes we had for him. Which suprised me since we had 2 different Elmo's and a Barney. He decided that he was ok with being a football player so that's what he was. He was SO cute. He never would say trick-or-treat, but hearing him say Happy Halloween was priceless and amazingly cute! We spent the day at home and then traveled to Grandma and Grandpa's house to get ready. After that the 3 of us along with Cousin Chase, Grandma Teresa and Grandma walked a few streets, it took us about an hour to make it up and down 2 streets, but that's how it worked out and the boys had a great time which is, to me, what holidays are all about.

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November 02, 2009

Yay For Vegetables!!

Just a quick snippet to say how much I enjoy that Myles LOVES his vegetables! He will often request broccoli and tonight at dinner ate at least half a cucumber. I'm so lucky that I don't have a picky eater!! Thanks for making dinner time life so easy Goober! Love You!!

October 26, 2009

My favorite Words

I got an idea from one of my bloggy friends who posted some of here favorite "words" that her daughter says. It was so cute that I decided to do the same with my favorite "words that Myles has started saying recently.

Suser - Sucker

Beemboo - Bumblebee

Cuck - Stuck

Oscer - Monster and Oscar (the grouch)

Bi Sruck - Big Truck

Gover - Grover

Pikpi - Spikey

Mo Mo - Otis (we actually all call him Mo) We're a nickname family

These are just a few of my favorite "Myles Words" I've got to keep track of all the cute things he says and does before they change before my eyes.

October 25, 2009

Halloween Fun

We've been keeping busy so far this month. Trying to squeeze as much Halloween fun in as we can. So far we made it to Farnsworth Pumpkin Patch, painted pumpkins, and carved some pumpkins at Grammie and Grammpie's.

The pumpkin patch was a good time. The four of us went with Chris' mom and cousin Chase. The had such a good time in the bounce house, on the hay ride, actually we were informed that it was straw" and running through the pumpkins finding just the right one! After we got the pumpkins home we decided to paint them. It was the only weekend before Halloween that we had Logan and we didn't want them to go rotten to quickly. Logan's turned out great! He did two pictures, a spider and a bat. Myles did a face with a bunch of hair! lol

Then yesterday we headed over to Grammie and Grammpie's for our traditional pumpkin carving. We always have such a great time doing this. 4 out of the 6 of us kids were there, all with our kids. It ends up being a lot of people and a lot of kids but it's always a great time. Grammie made 3 different soups and we took over their basement for the day. So far it's been a great month! Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us take over and make such a mess. Love you both!!

October 09, 2009

Slow Work Days

I love Fridays here at work...well I love that they are slow anyway. Today I've had the luxury of working on my iPod and now, since I have the hard drive here with me I can catch up on a little blogging. The last post was all about Myles turning 2. But there is more. His Birthday party was a blast. School Bus themed of course. We had it at a park by our house. It was a beautiful day. Chris and I made a pinata (never again). My grandma painted it and it turned out FABULOUS!! Chris' mom made a school bus cake which was also GREAT!! The kids were able to play on the playground which was right by the pavilion and of course Myles got a ton of stuff. Most of which he still plays with. I'd like to thank everyone who came and helped out. You all made it a great day for Chris and I and especially for Myles.

He had fallen a few days before and had a bit
of road rash

The cake

A bit fuzzy, but this is the pinata

September 19, 2009

My baby is 2!!

Wow this is so late...Back on the 10th of Sept. Myles turned 2!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. So in honor of my beautiful boy here are just a few things about him that I love.

He has the happiest personality of any kid I've ever known. Always smiling and bringing smiles to everyone around him. He's so smart. I know I'm a little biased and every mom thinks their kid is a genius but Myles has a way of remembering things and learning everything so quickly. The things he can already do and the way he knows to do just what he's asked is amazing to me. I can talk to him like a "big" kid and he knows just what I'm saying and what to do. And oh boy can this kid hop and jump. Hop Hop Hop all over the place, down the hall, on the bed, even off the stairs! His love of school buses cracks me up and he gets so excited every time he sees one. He is so loving and cuddly and just loves to play all the time. Myles Conner I love you so much and can't wait to see what you'll grow up to be. You are amazing my little Goober!!!

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September 08, 2009


Hiking up to Cecret Lake

Climbing trees and eating marshmallows at the camp site.

Asleep before we got out of the canyon.

What a great trip that was. I'm so glad to live in a place that has so much to offer and so many things to do.

September 07, 2009

More Than I Can Chew?!?!

Myles is turning 2 this week! I can't believe how fast the time has gone...more on that in later posts however. His party is on Saturday and I've decided to take it upon myself to make all of the ice cream for it. Why you ask??? I have no idea...I must be a fan of stress and torture.

The plan right now is to make 3 different kinds of ice cream, that will then be turned into ice cream sandwiches. For which I am also making the cookies. Pumpkin, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Vanilla are on the menu. Plus the 3D School Bus cake that my mother-in-law is making. (she's much better at cake baking than me). Oh and lets not forget the school bus pinata that Chris and I started yesterday. And yes it all gets to be done by 3:30 Saturday afternoon. We'll see how it goes and I'll be sure to let you know. I might end up at the store for all but the pumpkin ice cream and cookies. I tend to bite off a bit more than I can chew sometimes, and with my procrastinator personality I'm not sure how all of this is going to go.

August 28, 2009

Logan's Party

Logan's birthday party was a blast. We went to Magna Pool where we had cake did presents and then went swimming. Everyone was able to come, all of his cousins and aunts and uncles. He got a bunch of Transformers (of course) as well as a new bike, a Nerf Gun that can be turned into the controller for a Nerf Wii game and a set of golf clubs. We all had such a great time. Swimming we a blast and I've learned quickly this summer that I have to fish for sons...those two just can't get enough of the water.

School Days and Camping

Ok...It's been a while since I've updated, so I'm taking the time now, with pictures to follow because I'm at work and no longer have access to the excessive amounts of pictures on the home computer. So much has happened over the last few months...Logan moved back to St. George...long story...and has started Kindergarten. He says that he loves it and seems to be doing really well. His teachers name is Ms./Mrs. Lee and from what he says shes really nice. They don't however get a snack. lol This was one of the first things that he mentioned after his first day.

About a month or so ago we took a nice camping trip up Little Cottonwood Canyon. We reserved a spot at Tanners Flatt. It was such a great spot. They keep it completely groomed so we had a nice flat spot for out tent, a great fire pit, picnic table and it was all shaded. My parents came up for dinner and we went on a nice little walk down to the river. It was such a nice place. We will defiantly be going back there again. I'm not much for tents anymore, but for the kids I'll sacrifice and I'm really glad I did. We only stayed one night and the morning when we were packing up a deer walked right through the trees next to our tent. It was so cool being that close to such a beautiful animal and the kids were so excited! Chris taught Logan and Myles how to feed the squirrels and chipmunks that were running around everywhere. And Logan found a great trail that let us over a small stream and down an old riverbed. He was really proud when we let him lead the way.

Before we headed home we decided to take what we though was going to be an easy hike up to Cecret Lake...turns out it wasn't so easy. We made it about 3/4 of the way before deciding to turn back. Myles was a real trooper and hiked most of the way up. But by the time we got to where we turned around the 3 of us were exhausted. I have no doubt that Logan could have made it the rest of the way. As it was we hiked down the kids were asleep before we got out of the canyon. It was such a great trip. I can't wait to do it again.

August 06, 2009


So this happened back in June, but I just found the pictures so I wanted to post about it. It was a rainy day and to pass the time at a slow moving birthday party. Uncle Clay decided to teach Myles how to jump in puddles. It was so much fun to watch them play together. Uncle Clay would hold Myles hand and they would jump together and SPLASH!!! By the time they were done they were both soaked from the waste down. Fortunatly I had extra clothes for Myles. Uncle Clay wasn't so lucky.

Another Late Birthday Post

On the day that Logan turned 5 Chris turned 26! What a great thing to share your birthday with your child! Chris is such a great husband and father. He is full of so much love for all of us and I don't know what I'd do without him in my life. He always works so hard to make sure we have everything we need, and most of the stuff we "want." There are defiantly more wants then needs in our house. They way that he applies himself to everything and sets his mind to what he has to do it great. And his mind is just amazing. So unlike my own. He remembers everything and is so smart about so many different things. From computers to produce...yeah produce. He loves it and as much as I think it's odd. I love that he loves it. I love all of his little quirks and the fun we have as a family. He's always willing to go on the little adventures that I plan for the kids and he always makes the best of it. Honey you are the love of my life. You do so much for me and the boys. I know I don't tell you enough, but I appreciate everything you do and love you SO much. Happy Birthday babe!

July 31, 2009

Logan is 5

I can't believe that Logan is 5 already. Time sure has flown by. He was only 2 when Chris and I met and watching him grow has been such an eye opening experience. In honor of this milestone birthday here a just a few of the things I love the most about him.
1. His contagious laugh.
2. His beautiful smile.
3. His fabulous knock knock jokes. (knock knock..who's there? Eye... Eye Who? Eyeball)
4. The songs he sings and how fast he learns lyrics.
5. How he's grown into such a great big brother.
When they're not arguing, as brothers do, he plays so well and engages Myles in such a great way. The way Logan always wants to teach Myles new things and wants him to like the things he likes, and play the games that he does. It's been so fun to watch you grow up, and now with you starting Kindergarten I'm even more excited to see what new things you will learn and watch your mind grow and fill with even more new adventures. I love you SO much! Happy Birthday Logie!!

July 08, 2009

4th of July

We had such a great holiday this year. It was great to be able to spend the 4th with the family. The day was a little crazy. We started early and went to the Magna Parade (always and interesting time.) Chris was able to get off early so he met us down there. Myles collected a TON of candy and had a blast. Logan was there with his Mom and Step-dad and he had a good time also. It's nice to be at a point where the 4 of us can get along and spend holidays all together. I know it's a lot better for Logan. After the parade we headed over to my sister's wedding...yep on the 4th of July. It was a Harley Davidson wedding and it was as disorganized as I knew it would be, and it was absolutely perfect!! Lori looked beautiful and it was just a great time. My nephew Jacob was even there who I haven't seen in like 10 years!! He looks great and is living out here now so hopefully it will be good for him. After the wedding we went over to Chris' mom's and the boys played in the sprinkler. Then we lit some fireworks!! Logan is scared of them, but still can enjoy them if he is a good distance away. Chase LOVED them from the start, and once Myles got used to the noise and sparks he liked them too. I even got him to hold a sparkler which he couldn't get enough of. After that was done, Chris, Myles, Logan and I went over to the Cyprus football field and watched the Magna Park fireworks from there. It was a perfect spot, we could see everything and there was no traffic! That's probably where we'll go from now on. It was such a great day and I can't wait to have more holidays just like that one!

June 19, 2009

Last Minute

I come from a family of "Last Minute Doers." I learned this morning that this is one thing about my family that bothers Chris to no end. We got home last night about 10, walked in the house and my mom was on the phone. Apparently my brother decided last last night that we're having a birthday party for my nephew tonight at 6. His actual birthday is today or tomorrow depending on if you go on when he was born or whats on his birth certificate. (that's another story). Also I got a call 2 days ago that we have a party for my niece on Saturday. At least there was a little notification on that one. And we're having a B-B-Q on Sunday for Fathers day which I still haven't got a hold everyone and told them about it. Ahhh my fabulous family!

June 09, 2009

Missed Opportunities?

I feel that I might have missed an opportunity to know someone very special. My Aunt Louise (Grandpa's older sister) passed away this last week at the age of 92. She had been in assisted living for a few years and had Alzheimer's. It was her time to go she knew it and was prepared. She passed peacefully in her sleep with a few of her family there with her. Monday was the service and it was a beautiful one. A happy one even. She will be greatly missed and was greatly loved. After attending the service yesterday I now feel that I missed out on knowing Louise. She was such a great lady and I feel I could have learned a great deal from her. So now I'll take the knowledge I have and ask questions, and learn things that I could have learned before. Although she is gone I can follow the example that she set why she was here and learn to be as kind, as caring, and as great a lady as my Aunt Louise. Keep a good eye on your family from up there. They miss you and will always look up to you! Love Always!

June 02, 2009

Busy/Fabulous Weekend

What a crazy weekend this last one turned out to be. It all started Friday about 2:00, Chris and I both got off early and made a break for USANA where we saw the X96 BASH. Medina Lake, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Offspring, and the main reason I went, Unwritten Law. There were some other bands there too, but none of them are good enough to mention. It was a great show and although Unwritten Law only played a 20 min set it was the best of the night. It totally brought me back to why they are my favorite band!

Saturday we had a BBQ at the park with some friends. It was a great time even with the huge thunderstorm that rolled through. It was slightly cold and hailed a little, but the time in the sun was great. Chris had a chance to play some b-ball with his friends which I know did him some good and Myles had a great time playing ball and hanging out on the playground. I found he loves to swing. The food was great and the time with friends was even better. Thanks for everyone for coming out. We'll have to have another one soon.

Sunday Chris Myles and I and a few other friends went to the Bees game against Reno. It was an afternoon game and we had great seats, right above the dugout along the 1st base line. The sun was shining and we ended up being in the shade for most of the game so it was perfect. Myles, personally, could have cared less about the game. He was more interested in all of the junk food we let him have. He doesn't get candy very often so he was loving it. One big moment, at least for me, was the Myles walked up the stairs at the stadium by himself, no hand holding, crawling, or stumbling. The stairs are smaller then normal ones, about 1/4 the height, but he did it no problem, and now has the confidence to walk up 3 or 4 normal stairs with no help as well. He's gr owning so fast.

It ended up being a great weekend. I loved being able to spend time with family as well as with friends. However I now need a nap!

May 13, 2009

Perfect Mother's Day

I'll first start by saying that I have the greatest husband and son I could ever ask for. Mother's day was completely perfect!! Myles, bless his heart, slept until 8!! That's right 8 o'clock!! So much nicer than his normal 6:45. It was especially nice because it meant that Chris got to sleep in a little as well. He was exhausted the night before. As soon as we got up I got my presents! Chris had Myles make me the cutest card and he also did a hand print with both his and Myles hands on it. I LOVE it. Chris also got me the one thing I really wanted. A Cuttlebug! I'm so excited to use this for my future scrap booking and card making.

After that we headed to the zoo. It was such a perfect day. Just warm enough and not horribly crowded. Myles had a great time seeing all of the animals. His favorite was the stinky bird and reptile house. Go figure. He was so excited to see the little monkeys and the birds. He also loved the penguins and the giraffes.

When we got home we had a BB-Q with a few of my siblings and grandparents. It was fun to just hang out with the family. We all sat down and played a few rounds of PIT, a favorite of Chris and I. All in all it was a perfect day. Thanks again to Chris for making it so great. Love you babe!!

May 07, 2009


Recently Logan took a trip to Disneyland with his grandma (Chris' mom). Chris got to go for the weekend which was a total surprise for Logan. They had a great time. Lo is getting to the age where he is having more fun and going on more rides. (Disneyland isn't a novelty to Chris' family since he grew up in Cali. I think Logan has been at least 5 times already.) Logan's favorite ride was Star Tours. He calls it Star Wars Clone Wars. He and Chris went on it 3 times!! He got a huge double sided light saber that he loves. It has different crystals that make the sounds change. Very Cool.

Chris only stayed for a few days and the rest of the week Logan hung out with Grandma, Great Grandma and Aunt. He had such a great time with them. Going to the beach and to the park. It's all he talked about for 3 days.

They also visited Angel Stadium. (Chris' choice.) Both of them thought that was pretty stinkin cool. Special thanks to Grandma and Aunt for letting them stay with you. It's always such a great time for Logan when he's out there. Oh and thanks for sending that race car game home...maybe. :o) Oh and we can't wait for you two to move out here!!


I've been planning on updating with the latest adventures. Chris and Logan's trip to Disneyland, Myles jont to the Living Planet Aquarium with myself and the grandparents. But I was up most of the night with a sick baby and am not feeling to well myself. I am now to exhausted to put together anything coherent. Maybe later today... or later this week. We shall see.

May 04, 2009

Kind Words

There are days, today being one of them, when the whole world seems to come crashing down on my shoulders. It is days like this that I am so greatful for those people in my life that are there with an uplifting message, a kind word, or even just something about nothing that gives me a little chuckle or a smile. So thank you to all of you that have done that for me today. For it is your words and thoughts and comments that make it possible for me to know that I'll make it though. That I'll figure it out, and that dispite everything I can always make it through. Life will keep on lifeing and I welcome it with open arm. It's times like these that I choose to grow and learn. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

April 16, 2009

Photo Shoot

The boys latest photo shoot didn't go quite as planned. Logan did great, Myles on the other hand was a little stinker and refused to coorperate. Luckily he was in a good mood, just wanted to play not sit still. It took 2 hours to get the shots and I have vowed to never again plan on 2 outfits. That just made it that much more complicated. After all the fuss and mess we did end up getting some great pictures. Here they are for your enjoyment...and mine, because just ask me, my kids are the cutest ever!!!

I was going to pick just my favorites, but couldn't decide...

April 15, 2009


We had a lot of fun this Easter. A few egg/candy hunts, some egg dying and Easter baskets of course. I tried to focus on the true meaning and mad sure to teach Logan about why we have Easter and what it meant. He's a little young to fully comprehend but the more he learns now the more he'll understand later.
We went to an Easter hunt on Saturday with my sister and her kids and Chris' nephew and mom. It was a good time and the kids really enjoyed it. Especially the candy. We had the kids pictures taken later that day..more on that later..then enjoyed egg dying at Grandma and Grandpa Conradsen's. We do a lot over there now since we don't know how much longer we have with Grandpa. Logan had a good time and Myles had a blast dying his hand. Luckily it came off in the bath the next day.

Easter morning we woke up bright and early and found the eggs and baskets that the Easter Bunny left. Logan got some new games for his Leapster, Nascar and a Phonics one, and Myles got some LeapFrog magnet sets, a car wash and alphabet. They also got quite a few books. They always get at least one book.

The boys were really cute together finding the eggs. Logan let Myles get quite a few which I was impressed with. Myles also got really good at finding everything. He noticed ones that Logan walked right past and that I had forgotten. Later that morning we took the boys to church to hear Grammy sing in the choir and then it was off to Grandma Teresa's for Easter dinner and another egg hunt. Of course the boys had a great time. Grandma and Grandpa were able to come over which made the event that much more fun. All in all it was a great day and I can't wait to do it again next year. I'm making a resolution to keep is a little more low key next year however. I've really got to stop with the compulsive shopping when it comes to the kids.