October 28, 2010

What a Week

So here's the story. Over the weekend we went to St. George to see Logan. We left Friday after work and got home Sunday night. We had a great time, but that's a different story. Sunday when we got home Chris noticed that the computer was gone, we start looking around and realize that not only the computer, but the Xbox 360, the Wii all the games and controllers plus a stack of movies and cd's is gone as well. Awesome!! Someone broke into our house while we were gone. So the police are called they take a report and that's that. Then Chris decides to look around and miraculously finds everything stashed in a corner in the back yard!! Sweet!! Still freaky that someone was in our house but at least we got everything back, minus the movies and cd's. The officer comes back says that she thinks that they were in the house when we got home and it scared them off. Even freakier. But we have our stuff back.

Fast forward to last night. I get home from work, notice the computer is gone. Look in the entertainment center and so is everything else. The little jerk came back!! Who does that??? This time he got away with everything plus another huge stack of DVD's and the new watch that Chris had just gotten from his grandma and aunt the night before.

I'm so irritated right now. But I think the worst part is that we don't know how he got in. After Sunday we put dowels in all the windows and in the sliding door thinking that would secure them. Now I have my suspicions about who it was, but there's no proof so there's not much we can do anyway. This is honestly the worst feeling in the world. It's so violating and then to have it happen twice is just horrible. I'm worried that I'll get home tonight and all of the t.v.'s and everything else will be gone.

However through this whole ordeal there are some things I'm grateful for. I'm glad that he didn't take EVERYTHING! I'm glad that he left the kids' movies so at least they're not as affected. And I'm most grateful that he left the hard drive that we have since it has ALL of the pictures and music on it. I don't know how I'd feel if we'd lost not only material things but also all of the pictures from our lives. I guess it's good that I have something to feel ok about throughout this whole thing.