November 02, 2010


I read quite a few books. Some good, some great, others well... not so much. I don't often talk about them, but I just read a part in a book that I just started this morning. It's called "The Book of Lost Things." and here it is.

"Stories were different, though: they came alive in the telling. Without a human voice to read them aloud, or a pair of wide eyes following them by flashlight beneath a blanket, they had no real existence in our world. The were like seeds in the beak of a bird, waiting to fall to earth, or the notes of a song laid out on a sheet, yearning for an instrument to being their music into being. They lay dormant, hoping for the chance to emerge, Once someone started to read them, they could begin to change. They could take root in the imagination, and transform the reader. Stories wanted to be read, David's mother would whisper. They needed it. It was the reason they forced themselves from their world into ours. They wanted us to give them life."

I love this. This is why I read.

October 28, 2010

What a Week

So here's the story. Over the weekend we went to St. George to see Logan. We left Friday after work and got home Sunday night. We had a great time, but that's a different story. Sunday when we got home Chris noticed that the computer was gone, we start looking around and realize that not only the computer, but the Xbox 360, the Wii all the games and controllers plus a stack of movies and cd's is gone as well. Awesome!! Someone broke into our house while we were gone. So the police are called they take a report and that's that. Then Chris decides to look around and miraculously finds everything stashed in a corner in the back yard!! Sweet!! Still freaky that someone was in our house but at least we got everything back, minus the movies and cd's. The officer comes back says that she thinks that they were in the house when we got home and it scared them off. Even freakier. But we have our stuff back.

Fast forward to last night. I get home from work, notice the computer is gone. Look in the entertainment center and so is everything else. The little jerk came back!! Who does that??? This time he got away with everything plus another huge stack of DVD's and the new watch that Chris had just gotten from his grandma and aunt the night before.

I'm so irritated right now. But I think the worst part is that we don't know how he got in. After Sunday we put dowels in all the windows and in the sliding door thinking that would secure them. Now I have my suspicions about who it was, but there's no proof so there's not much we can do anyway. This is honestly the worst feeling in the world. It's so violating and then to have it happen twice is just horrible. I'm worried that I'll get home tonight and all of the t.v.'s and everything else will be gone.

However through this whole ordeal there are some things I'm grateful for. I'm glad that he didn't take EVERYTHING! I'm glad that he left the kids' movies so at least they're not as affected. And I'm most grateful that he left the hard drive that we have since it has ALL of the pictures and music on it. I don't know how I'd feel if we'd lost not only material things but also all of the pictures from our lives. I guess it's good that I have something to feel ok about throughout this whole thing.

September 21, 2010

School Days

Today was Conner Man's first day of school. I was nervous, he was excited. For a week now he's been asking to go to school and see his teacher Mrs. Payne. From time to time calling her Mrs. Pain-in-the-butt. Lets hope he never says this in class... He's attending the Early 3 program through the Granite School District. Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and a half. He gets to go to Pleasant Green Elementary which is awesome for me since that's where I went to school. He has such a good first day. When we got to his class he was so excited to see all of the toys and explore the room. He said hi to his teachers and then was off to find the trucks. (Go figure) I have to say that I was a little disappointed that he did so well. He didn't even care that I was leaving. I'm glad that he loves it though and as hard as it was for me I know he's going to do fabulous. He gets to go to school with his cousin Chase which is awesome for both of them. Chase did really well too which was great to see. When I picked Myles up after class Mrs. Payne said that he did great. He was a little reluctant to put away the trucks to go over for rug time, but he listened and cleaned up like he was supposed to. I know he's so excited to go back on Thursday. I'm so proud of my Little Man. He's growing so fast. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings.

The must have picture in front of the door.

Chase and Myles in front of the school

My big boy all ready to go to class

This is the best I could get before I left the class room.
He was pretty much done with pictures by this point.

State Fair 2010

We seem to make it a point to go to the State Fair every year. This year we actually went twice. The first time we went with a group of friends. Zac and Julie and the kids were in town so we had a good time with all the kids. They were able to ride the rides together which was nice for me because then I didn't have to accompany Myles. lol The second time we were able to experience it with Chris mom and my parents. It was a really good time. The boys (Myles and Chase) loved seeing the animals and the Big Yellow Slide. It was such a great time and I'm so glad I was able to spend it with family.

Grandma Teresa with her boys.
This was by far their favorite ride.
It's a snake roller coaster. The had a blast on this thing!!

Riding on the helicopter. I was in the back and was
able to get this great picture of them.

Looking at the goats. Chris has an odd love for goats.

Riding on the Big Yellow Slide with Grammy!
We all had a GREAT time on this one.

September 17, 2010

Tiny Dancer

Myles started dance on the 13th. He's in a Jazz/Hip Hop/Tumbling class at the Jazzle Dazzle Studio in Magna. His first class was cute they started learing part of their Christmas dance, and a few of the dance positions. And of course being his stuborn self he wanted nothing to do with any of it. lol He did participate in the tumbling part of it though demonstrating to the girls how to do a summer sault and then attempting the crap walk. He's the only boy in his class which is cute. Next week I won't be there with him and Chris is just going to drop him off and then leave, we stayed through the first class. Hopfully with us gone he will do a little better.

Playing with the pom poms during "free" dance. He had to have ones with green...

His cute little dance class. 4 of the girls are all daughters of girls I went to school with, it's like a tiny reunion. lol

Crab walking.

Spinning around on the floor instead of learning the dance.

My Big 3 year old

So as usual I'm a little late, but we're all used to that right?? Last Friday, the 10th, my baby turned 3. I can't believe how fast the years have gone. We had his birthday party on the 11th and it was such a great time. He had a "Gronkle" party, which is one of the dragons from "How to Train Your Dragon" (a family favorite) We had a ton of people and even more kids. They painted cardboard shields and swords, we had a "dragon training" course and then the pinata. We grilled chicken and hot dogs and even though it was totally unorganized and Chris had to run back to the house 6 times because we kept forgetting stuff (we never did remember Ketchup or a knife to cut the cake) It turned out great. Everyone had a great time and Myles of course loved it.

A little about the boy who will always be my baby.

He is so sweet and gentle, he's the first to say sorry and is always so concerned if someone is upset or sad.

His brain is like a sponge. He's so smart, he knows his colors, shapes, and most of his letters (capital and lower case) as well as the sounds.

He loves books, especially ones about dragons and dinosaurs. One of his favorite places to go it the library.

He loves the color green. "It's his favorite" as he reminds us daily.

He loves the show Caillou, he watches it every morning and know all the peoples names and has most of the episodes memorized. We can quite often relate something in our daily lives to an episode of that show. (this might be a bad thing) but it's helped him understand quite a bit about what goes on in his own life so I guess it's not that bad.

His vocabulary is amazing! He is often heard saying the weirdest stuff, I have no idea where he gets it from.

He gives the BEST squeezer hugs ever!!!

Now that I'm done bragging I'll get to the pictures of his party. Happy Birthday Goober!! You are the best thing that has ever happened to our family and you are loved more that you could ever know!

This little boy LOVES monster trucks!! This one is his favorite Bounty Hunter.

His Gronkle cake that my fabulous Mother-in-Law and Sister made. We had to be sure that it had wings. Myles was very adamant about it.
Part of the Dragon Training course. The balance beam.
The training course turned into an all out Sword fight, With Chris, Uncle Clay and Uncle Nate getting quite the beating.

Painting Shields, luckily it was washable paint.

August 20, 2010

All Grown Up

My baby is growing up so fast. Where did the time go? His 3rd birthday is in a few weeks and since he'll be old enough to start participating in sports and other things I've been starting the sign up process. So far he starts both dance and pre-school next month.

Dance I'm excited for. His first class is on Sept. 13th and I hope he likes it, so far he seems pretty excited we'll see how it goes at the first class. He's going to be in a jazz/hip hop/tumbling class taught by a lady I went to school with. He'll also have a few girls in his class who are kids of other ladies I went to school with, so that will be good. At least I'll have a friend there. lol

His first day of pre-school is on Sept. 21st. This one I'm pretty nervous about. I know he'll do great and that he'll love it. And I'm excited to have his in a structured environment where he's growing and learning, but my baby is going to be in SCHOOL!!!! He's attending an early 3's program since he misses the school deadline by 9 days. It's 2 days a week for 1.5 hours. It's a good amount of time for him I think, with it being his first time in school. It's a program through the Granite School District and I've heard really good things about it, plus he's going to the same elementary that I went to (Pleasant Green) I loved going there so I'm excited that he gets to experience it too.

I know that this is all part of growing up and I get to learn how to accept the fact that he's going to start doing things on his own. Overall I'm excited for him and for us as a family as we grow and learn together and I'm going to take advantage of these next few weeks of having my little boy before the running around starts next month.

August 17, 2010


I saw these pictures and wanted to post them. I love sloth's... they are my favorite... I know I'm weird, but still look how cute they are!!!!

August 06, 2010

Funny Things Myles come up with

Me: "I'm not sure what's in it"

Myles: "Oh, maybe it's monster brains, yeah it's monster brains."

Us talking about what could have possibly come out of the squishy monster head that broke open and sprayed my walls and his shirt.

July 30, 2010

Birthday Boys

It's late, but at least I'm getting to it....story of my life...

Two of my boys had a birthday this week. Logan turned 6 (I can't believe it!!) and I won't say how old Chris turned because that ages me as well. lol

Starting with Logan, I can't believe how much he's grown since I met him. He had just turned 3 when Chris and I started dating and has grown so big and smart since then. I love the way he's into everything Super Hero. Especially Spider Man. He great spirit and how he is such a great big brother to Myles. Always looking out for him and teaching him new words and anything else Myles will listen to. It's so cute to see him mentor his younger brother. He loves the Jazz with such passion, much like his dad and the Lakers and also likes the Red Sox (you can't control your kids sports choices right) Logan is so smart and learns things quickly when he wants to. I'm so blessed to be a part of his life and can't wait to see what he becomes as he grows up.

Now on to Chris who is lucky enough to share a birthday with his oldest son.

What a great husband and father I couldn't ask for a better man in my life and to raise our children with. He always takes time for the boys and pays such close attention to them and their lives. So much so that I can't even sneakily buy them clothes without him noticing... Chris is so loving and so caring that I couldn't imagine what it would be without him. I love his passion for sports and his knowledge is amazing. How he can memorize every player from every team and what college they are from is beyond me, but I love him for it. I'm hoping that his memory is passed down to our kids and not mine, it would be a disaster for anyone else to forget as much as I do. Thank you Honey for everything you do. For how hard you work so we can have what we do and for how you love us all unconditionally, even with my constant wining for a foot rub and nagging that the dishes aren't done. lol I love you for ever and always!!!

July 09, 2010

4th Of July

The 4th...well 3rd of July was a great day. Chris and I both had to work in the morning so my brother and sister-in-law took Myles to the Magna Parade. I was able to meet up with them shortly before it was over and we headed down to the carnival at Magna Park. We didn't stay long, but Myles had a great time on the rides. Of course!

He loves the Merry-Go-Round. The whole time he as saying "Giddy up horsey." and Ye-Haw I'm a cowboy!" He cracks me up.

Uncle Clay and Elizabeth took him on the big slide. He went 2 or 3 times and loved it so much that he cried each time it was over.

Riding the motorcycles again.

By far his favorite ride was the little roller coaster. I was nervous to let him go at first, but he had such a great time. He was all smiles the whole time he was riding. I've never seen him enjoy a ride so much. It was great to be able to watch him have such a good time.

He had spent Friday night at Uncle Clay's house and was finally able to master peddling his bike. He was so proud of him self that he got it. He was on his bike every chance he got for the rest of the weekend. (this picture is actually him on his cousin's bike though. they were sharing. lol)

That night, after lighting a few fireworks at Grandma Teresa's we let the boys ride their bikes over to the high school to watch the big fire works. We've found that Cyprus is the perfect spot to watch them. It's not crowded at all and it's far enough away that Myles isn't scared of the noise and the closeness of the big ones.

This is Chase and Myles watching the fireworks with Grandma. We asked them if they wanted to take their helmets off, but the both decided it was better to keep them on through the whole show.

Myles talking to Grandma or maybe just stopping for a 5 second cuddle.

It was such a great day. Thank you to all of our troops, past and present, who have stood up for this wonderful country. Without you our world would be a much different place and we are all forever grateful.

1st Guitar Lesson

Myles got his first guitar lesson last week. Chis has been playing for a long time so I'm glad that he's finally getting Myles involved.

Chris showing Myles how to strum properly

Once he figured out that he could hold the strings and change the sound he got so excited to try out different strings and frets.

"Daddy, cover your ears, it's loud."

This is Myles "rocking out" face. I love it!!!

It was so much fun to watch them together. Chris is such a great dad. I can't wait for him to really be able to show Myles how to play. It's going to be such a good thing for them to do together.
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West Fest

Every year we take the boys to West Fest. Logan was in St. George this year, but we still decided to take Myles and Chase.
We had a great time and the kids, of course, loved riding the rides. I didn't get very many good pictures, but these ones turned out ok.

Chase driving the fire truck.

Myles driving the motorcycle, he could barley reach

Maverick flying his gunner....
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S.L. Bees Family Night

Monday's is family night at the S.L. Bees, with a coupon from Harmons every ticket is only $3. We thought it would be fun to take Myles and have some family time. We really didn't watch much of the game and ended up leaving in the 6th inning (apperently 2 year olds aren't so entertained by baseball.) But it was fun anyway. First thing when we got there we went to the fan shop to get Myles a new hat, we lost the one from last year. As soon as he saw them he picked up the yellow one and that was it he was in love. So much in fact that he's worn it every day since. We walked around a little, got a snow cone, rode the train and played on the playground that's inside the park. We may not have watched much baseball, but it was still nice to get out and spend some time as a family.

Riding the train

He now sleeps in his hat almost every night

My little sweet.

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June 21, 2010

Father's Day

This weekend was so fun. We sort of made a whole weekend out of Father's Day. Saturday we went to see Toy Story 3. Such a fabulous movie. I'd say it's even better than the first. Both of the boys loved it. Well Logan says that it was just ok...but he didn't take his eyes off the screen once so I think he liked it a little more than he's letting on. Myles I know LOVED it. Of course he loves anything Toy Story. The boys also gave Chris one of his gifts on Saturday, since he had to load it in the car. It's a Holey Board game that they helped my make. Sorry no pictures. Chris loves it though.

Sunday morning we woke up and made a big breakfast for Dad. I think the funniest part of the morning was when the boys decided to be fire trucks to wake Chris up. They were so loud and it was totally hilarious! They boys also made some paintings for him. Also no pictures...

Sunday afternoon we got out the water slide. Teresa, Chase and Idanna came over and we played for hours out in the sun. They boys had a blast. And the little water balloon fight was pretty fun too.

Posted by PicasaLogan thought it was pretty funny to kink the hose and then have the little boys get on the slide and un-kink it so they would get sprayed.

Myles was just a little bit tired after all of the excitement. I think he got through about 5 min of American Tale before he was out.

It was a great weekend and a great Father's Day. Thank you Chris for everything you do for our family. Our kids really couldn't have a better dad and I couldn't have a better husband to share it all with. We Love You!!

June 02, 2010

Bear Lake

We had a great time at the lake this weekend. This is my favorite place in the world and I love going up there whenever possible. I'm so glad that I now get to share such a special place with Myles. He had so much fun playing with his Uncle Clay and kept saying that we were at the heaven. So CUTE!! I can't wait to go back up there next month! Hopefully the bathrooms with be all remodeled by then.
Uncle Clay and Myles playing in the hose

Getting soaked

Uncle Clay and Myles searching for rocks to throw in the lake

Uncle Clay teaching Myles to drive. He actually let him drive around the whole lot.
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