The pumpkin patch was a good time. The four of us went with Chris' mom and cousin Chase. The had such a good time in the bounce house, on the hay ride, actually we were informed that it was straw" and running through the pumpkins finding just the right one! After we got the pumpkins home we decided to paint them. It was the only weekend before Halloween that we had Logan and we didn't want them to go rotten to quickly. Logan's turned out great! He did two pictures, a spider and a bat. Myles did a face with a bunch of hair! lol
Then yesterday we headed over to Grammie and Grammpie's for our traditional pumpkin carving. We always have such a great time doing this. 4 out of the 6 of us kids were there, all with our kids. It ends up being a lot of people and a lot of kids but it's always a great time. Grammie made 3 different soups and we took over their basement for the day. So far it's been a great month! Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us take over and make such a mess. Love you both!!