April 13, 2011

Spunker Doo

That's what my grandpa calls Myles. He's the only one who does and the only one who can call him by that name. This has nothing to do with my little story though...

This morning Chris was talking to Myles and asked him "What are we going to do with a little girl in the house?" "We've never had one of those around." Myles looked at him with a huge smile and said "I'm going to catch her in my bug net." "And then she can sleep in my bug catcher." When Chris told him that she'll probably be to big to fit in the bug cage, he very seriously said no she's bitty teeny right now. (picture this with him using his fingers to show just how small he thinks she is.)

It was so stinking cute. I know he's going to be such a great big brother!

April 11, 2011

The Big News That Most People Know

Back in January Chris and I found out that we are expecting again!! Yay!! We kept it pretty quiet for the first few months, but now the word is out and we're both, along with our families, SO excited. So far this pregnancy has been a lot like my one with Myles. No morning sickness and over all I've felt great. The only things I've really had to deal with is some minor acid reflux and some major migraines. Nothing to serious. I will complain a little about the heightened sense of smell though. I work around a bunch of cross country truck drivers and it can get pretty smelly at times. Not such a great thing when everything smells 10 times stronger. lol Now onto the best part! We found out April 5th that we're having a little girl!!! We're both way excited for this part too since we already have 2 boys. Admittedly however Chris and I have NO clue what to do with a girl... but I'm sure we'll figure it out. Hopefully she turns out a little more girly than I did, but who knows. I know she'll be beautiful and perfect no matter what. I'm so blessed to have this little bundle growing inside me right now. I can already feel her moving around and from the ultrasound and all the doctors appointments we know that she is growing strong and healthy. My due date is for September 5th. Only 5 days before Myles birthday... we sure know how to plan... I'm going to see if my doctor will let me deliver a little early, but whatever happens I know it will be what's best for both her and me. She was laying on her tummy for the whole ultrasound so the pictures didn't turn out fabulous, but you can still see here pretty well. This is actually 2 pictures. The one on the right I think is fingers and the one on the left is her little foot
This is one basically her whole body. You can see the spine at the top leading into the back of the head, with her face at the bottom right.

I have one showing that she's a girl, but it's pretty hard to tell what it is. These 2 are the best.

So there's our "announcement" Yay for babies!! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see what new challenges and adventures this little bundle of girly-ness brings to our lives.


So since the holidays not a whole lot has happened. We moved out of Kearns, back to Stansbury, which I love. I've moved around so much in the last 9 years and not one time did I feel like I was home, like I actually belonged, now, even though we're not in our on place, I feel like we're home and that it's where we belong. It's a nice feeling to finally have. Well since not much has gone on I thought I'd just put up some pictures of the boys that I found. They've grown so much so fast that I haven't even realised the differences but they are defiantly there once I look back through the years of pictures.

Logan had just turned 3 when Myles was born. Here is one of them together when Myles was just a few months old.

Logan's 3rd birthday. July 2007

Playing at the beach Summer 2008

Logan in early summer 2010

I loved watching Myles sleep, in fact I have about 1000 pictures of it. Here he is at just a few months old.

Myles on the morning of his first birthday. Sept. 2008

Here's Myles on Easter of last year.

It's amazing how fast they grow up. I sure do LOVE my Boys!!

April 08, 2011


Let's wrap all of December in to one post as well shall we?? We had a good Christmas season. Trips to the Temple to see the lights, a visit or 2 to see Santa. Family Christmas parties and of course SHOPPING!! I'm sure there's a ton more that I can't remember too. I really need to stay on top of this more... The pictures are a little out of order from how the month actually went, but that shouldn't matter much. We were lucky to have Logan with us on Christmas morning this year. It's so nice now that Myles is older and enjoying holidays more to have him around for them. A few days before Christmas Chris took them both to Gardner Village to pick out their yearly ornament. He also got one for himself and me. Chris picked out a S'more... why I'm not quite sure. He got me a momma marshmallow holding a little baby to signify our 2 angel babies. I wasn't going to get one but when he saw it he said that he had to get it for not only be but both of us. (he's so thoughtful.) Logan picked out a cruise ship to remember the trip he went on with his family in St. George just after Thanksgiving. And Myles picked out a guitar. (Always trying to be like Daddy.) We spent Christmas Eve at my Grandma Heddlesten's with my sister and her family. We don't get over there as much as we should so it was nice to spend the time. I know she loves having us over. All of the kids opened their traditional Christmas Jammies. Logan got Star Wars: Clone Wars and Myles got dinosaurs. Chris even got a Ninja Turtle's Shirt and some sweats. I had gotten my self some too, but I failed to check the tag and they ended up being 2 sizes to small. Once we got home we made sure to leave the cookies and Strawberry milk out for Santa. Of course we left some carrots for the reindeer as well. Christmas morning was a lot of fun. Of course the kids got way to much stuff, but they loved it all. Some of it even gets played with still. One of my favorite things that they got was their baseball hats. Well the boys got baseball. Logan the Red Sox and Myles got White Sox. (I'm training him young.) Chris couldn't decide on an Angles hat that he wanted and since he's picky and I wanted to make sure he wore it he got the new Bears hat that he had been wanting. It was so cute to see them all open the same thing and be so excited about it.
One of my favorite things to do is go to Temple Square and see the lights. This year it was just the three of us. We took Trax, which Myles thought was pretty cool, and then we spent some time walking around the Temple grounds. Myles got bored pretty quickly so after we went to the Gateway to get some ice cream.

Like every year we had our family Christmas party at Grammie and Grandpie's. It's so great to get everyone together. With 5 brothers and sisters plus all of their kids, ranging from 3-15 years old, it gets pretty wild, but it's always fun and it's a great time to catch up and for all the cousins to hang out and have a good time.

December was such a fun month, like most months around here. snowmen, Christmas, family, and shopping. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Halloween 2010

I'm make this a picture explanation post to wrap up all of October except the St. George trip. We took Myles to the Witch Fest thing at Gardner Village. He loved looking at all of the different witches and commenting on how scary or funny they all were. We had our annual pumpkin carving party at my mom and dad's. We had a lot of fun picking out patterns and helping the kids each carve a pumpkin. Of course the adults couldn't resist caving 1 or 2 as well. This is always such a fun thing to do and I look forward to it every year. Saturday before Halloween my mom's work did a "trunk-or-treat". It was a lot of fun and everyone really got into it. Myles LOVED his costume (and so did everyone else.) He insisted on being a gray dinosaur with blue spikes so my grandma made this awesome costume. I was a little weary about the hat, thinking he wouldn't wear it, but he didn't want to take it off. It was great to see him so happy and of course so dang adorable!!

It was chilly at the trunk-or-treat so after the boys collected their candy they sat in Clay and Barbra's trunk until we were ready to go. (from left to right: Chase the football man, Myles the dinosaur, and Kyler the skeleton. ) 3 of the cutest cousins ever!

My mom made the best witch around! And the nicest too!

A great shot of Chase the "football man" as he says. Something so simple and he absolutely LOVED it!

A good family shot. I love that even in high school my nephew Sage isn't afraid to be a little goofy in his chicken costume.

For Halloween trick-or-treating, we took Myles and Chase around my grandma and grandpa's neighborhood. It was pretty cold and rainy so we only went down two streets, luckily the boys aren't big enough to want to stay out all night yet.

Everything we did in October was so fun. I honestly can't wait for next Halloween, although I'm looking forward to the sun and warm weather first.

St. George and Flag Football

A week or so before Halloween we were able to take a trip down to St. George to see one of Logan's flag football games. It was a lot of fun to watch him play and to also get away for the weekend. He did a great job during his game and his team won which was awesome. Chris' Grandma and Aunt were able to come down as well and it was great to get to see them and spend time together. We took the kids to a pumpkin patch where they got to pick out a pumpkin right from the field. I didn't get any pictures, but we carved them and left them on my aunts porch since that's where we stayed the weekend and I didn't want them in the car. The pumpkin patch also had some games and a few other things. The boys had a great time and it was so great for us to be able to just relax and spend some quality time together. We had so much fun and I really hope to make more trips down there to watch Logan's various sporting events.

Rope Swinging at the pumpkin patch

They picked the perfect pumpkins

This was a water-pump that sent the rubber duckie to the other side. Myles couldn't get enough.

Great-Grandma and the boys.


This is actually a shot of him playing soccer with Myles before his football game started. It turned out to be a great action pose.

The family time was great not only seeing Lo, but also seeing my aunt and cousin as well as Chris' grandma and aunt.

April 06, 2011

Just a little more time!

We're here, alive and doing well. I have a ton of updates I just have to make the time... Hopefully by posting this it will give me the motivation to get them done in the next week!! Stay tuned. there's lots about my little family and some big news... (that most people already know)