September 21, 2010

State Fair 2010

We seem to make it a point to go to the State Fair every year. This year we actually went twice. The first time we went with a group of friends. Zac and Julie and the kids were in town so we had a good time with all the kids. They were able to ride the rides together which was nice for me because then I didn't have to accompany Myles. lol The second time we were able to experience it with Chris mom and my parents. It was a really good time. The boys (Myles and Chase) loved seeing the animals and the Big Yellow Slide. It was such a great time and I'm so glad I was able to spend it with family.

Grandma Teresa with her boys.
This was by far their favorite ride.
It's a snake roller coaster. The had a blast on this thing!!

Riding on the helicopter. I was in the back and was
able to get this great picture of them.

Looking at the goats. Chris has an odd love for goats.

Riding on the Big Yellow Slide with Grammy!
We all had a GREAT time on this one.